Ronnie Karfiol



Sea Change: Terms of Service


Sea Change: Terms of Service is looking at our data-driven age from a post-mortem perspective.

It is an age in which we are bounded by countless “Terms of Services” contracts, lured into signing them so to establish a “social life” where we are educated to upload, share, and react. As a result, the websites collect an impeccable vast amount of data on each and every user. The data-owners believing themselves to know us even better than our friends and family.

One could say, that this is an age when our data virtually embalms us while we are still alive. And so, after we pass away, we may leave behind us a sculpture of an unknown kind, our new death mask - a data mask.

The project is compiled of nine (9) Data masks, based on a mutual prototype and then rendered with statistic data regarding the % of dead people on Facebook as well as the % of refugees in the world’s popoulation.

The second part is ”Terms of Service”, a video work based on a textual meditation on the Terms of Service agreement, which renders the agreement into something reminiscent of a monotheist prayer between God and Man, similiar to Website and User.

The third part is Cyber War, a sculpture creating a hybrid between a human hand mutated in battle and a VR (Virtual Reality) controller, a reflection upon the meta reality of war today, as the warfare becomes ever more technological and virtual - without a direct connection between the target and the killer.

︎ More photos:
Comissioned for Adams Prize for young Israeli Artist, 2017

Cyber War
(Mutated human hand and VR controller)
ABS Plastics 3D Print
Installation View, Adams Prize for Young Israeli Artist 2017

Terms of Service
Text work in HD video (7:30min)
Installation View, Adams Prize for Young Israeli Artist 2017

Data Death Mask 
3D render in print
Mask #2 of 9

Data Death Masks 
Installation View
Binyamin Gallery, Tel Aviv 2018

Data Death Masks 
Installation View
Binyamin Gallery, Tel Aviv 2018

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רוני קרפיול